
Luoman Devops

Relying on its full-range service experience on lighting project from design consulting to project construction, from centralized research and development to platform management, Luoman provides considerate service for the whole life cycle of the project, including safety monitoring, regular inspection, troubleshooting, energy consumption management, scene management and effect improvement, the best operation and maintenance mode has been formed. Moreover, the derived "LUOMAN CARE" Service has become one of the three core competitiveness of Luoman, escorting the creation of a pleasant and comfortable urban lighting environment.

Focus on solving the management problems after the construction of urban lighting, the three strategies directly hit the core

Remote fault warning

Reduce input in manpower and material resources

Improve maintenance efficiency

Remote table reading function

Intelligent management

Reduce manpower input

Lighting database establishment

Well documented

A safe and reliable system

Excellent Case


第十四届中照照明工程设计奖二等奖 / “2019年第二届中国国际进口博览会 / 黄浦江光影秀”突出贡献奖

从 2018 年第一届进博会的首次亮相,美轮美奂的灯光秀就吸引了大量中外游客驻足观赏,使得黄浦江两岸即刻成为“世界的会客厅”。作为体现上海开放、包容、创新的城市新形象,黄浦江光影秀充分利用黄浦江两岸景观照明提升改造成果,通过智控手段对光影变化的艺术编排,聚焦广度、高度和天际线,配合堤岸光耀系统和潮韵系统相结合,打造具有上海特色的光影秀。以......