
Professional Planning Team for Culture-oriented Night Tour

Luoman has a Professional Planning Team for Culture-oriented Night Tour, revealing cultural connotation and local customs of the destinations for cultural tourism projects, with procedures from the system planning and lighting of Night Tour, exclusive cultural IP, to the combining of culture, creativity, multimedia, technology and other elements, which are melodramatic and theatrical. A variety of themes bring people with special visual feast, emotions and immersive interactive experience, creating a popular cultural and tourism night travel products.

Create a lighting scene with a strong sense of experience

With the support of intelligent controlling technology, we integrate sound, light, electricity, water and other artistic rendering to create lighting scenes with a strong sense of experience. In representative leisure venues such as Cultural Center Squares and parks of the city, time tunnel, lighting piano, interactive installation, projection show and other lighting art combinations are set up, bringing them a direct experience for the characteristic urban nighttime.

One-stop Packages

Luoman Cultural Innovation integrates vision, animation, culture, mobile Internet, projection and lighting, combining advanced technology, beautiful creativity with lighting, and uses lighting as a carrier to deliver diverse color changes and color temperature controlling, to meet the needs of different cultural value transmission. Suitable solutions including designing, product procurement, site construction and post-operation are developed to deliver one-stop service.

Night Culture Travel Planning - Four in One

Intellectual Property
Create exclusive cultural symbols or cultural stories through cultural mining, art planning and art design. Through project investigation and research, investment and financing service consulting to formulate the overall concept plan.
Detailed scheme design, special scheme design, project implementation design.
Procurement Construction
Professional equipment procurement and installation, engineering construction, overall commissioning, technical service guidance.
The daily operation of the overall project, the daily maintenance of equipment, and troubleshooting. Through the accumulation of operating experience, the content is updated continuously.

All-dimensional, full-cycle help urban night economic development

Micro Acting

No large-scale performance show, to avoid huge construction investment, forming the scenes one after another and connected to each other in a panoramic way, with dispersed layout from point to area.


Interactive night tour experience, panoramic night tour planned with immersive director thinking. Improve the tourists' personal experience and form a popular spot on the Internet through the full immersion experience.


Through Internet technology, tourists can actively interact with each other through deepening social network, to form secondary communication.


Products for modular scene, such as preliminary planning, basic lighting, effective lighting for traffic attracting, interactive experience points and local highlights, can be rationally combined according to local cultural attributes and realizing quick landing of the project.

Excellent case


第十四届中照照明工程设计奖二等奖 / “2019年第二届中国国际进口博览会 / 黄浦江光影秀”突出贡献奖

从 2018 年第一届进博会的首次亮相,美轮美奂的灯光秀就吸引了大量中外游客驻足观赏,使得黄浦江两岸即刻成为“世界的会客厅”。作为体现上海开放、包容、创新的城市新形象,黄浦江光影秀充分利用黄浦江两岸景观照明提升改造成果,通过智控手段对光影变化的艺术编排,聚焦广度、高度和天际线,配合堤岸光耀系统和潮韵系统相结合,打造具有上海特色的光影秀。以......